Walking School Bus
Safe, healthy and fun!
Victoria Avenue School supports the Walking School Bus initiative – a safe, healthy and fun way for children to walk to and from school with other children, supervised by a rostered group of parents. If you and your child would be interested in joining one of our buses we would love to hear from you. Please appreciate that if your child does join a walking school bus that you will be required to be part of the roster.
The route begins at 12 Aldred Road at 8.10am crossing over this busy road safely as a group before our second pick up at 1 Spencer Road around 8.12. Once everyone who meets at this point has arrived, we begin walking along Spencer Street and pick up our children along the way. We cross Glenbrook Street, Walton Street and Ingram Road before continuing along Spencer Street and reaching the path below the senior playground by 8.25am.
If anyone is interested joining our bus then please contact Cecilia Robinson Cecilia@robinsonduo.co.nz We run our group through Whatsapp.
The route is as follows:
Starts at 14 Bell Road, down Scherf Rd, crosses Portland Rd into Ingram St, left into Spencer St then to school. Parents are scheduled to walk once or twice per week.
We are always keen to talk to interested families who are keen to “come on board”.
If anyone is interested joining our bus then please contact Nick Siu on media@sachieskitchen.com
Runs mornings only (can look at afternoons if there is enough interest)
Starts at the corner of Ross and Lingarth Sts at 8am.
Walks along Lingarth, crosses over Manawa Rd and walks the bottom of Martin Wilson Field to the bottom of Sonia Ave. Walks up Sonia Ave and uses the pedestrian crossing opposite Baradene to safely cross. This route means there is only one major/busy road (Manawa) that we cross.
Currently this bus is not running however if you are interested please contact the school to help set this up!
We assemble at Hapua Reserve at 8.10am and depart at 8.15am. We walk along Shore Road to Stirling Street and then up Stirling Street to school. Parents are rostered once a week to walk with the children. We are always keen to have new walkers on our bus.
Currently this bus is not running however if you are interested please contact the school to help set this up!
Originally the route was as follows: you drive & park in the carpark at Martyn Wilson Field on Orakei Rd, dropping children off at the carpark from 8.15am. The walking school bus departs the carpark at 8.25am. The school bus walks up Sonia Ave, along Victoria Ave to the pedestrian crossing then down to the Dragon Drive school entrance. We need two adults to walk each morning with the children so you will be rostered on about one morning per week depending on the number of families that join.
Currently this bus is not running however if you are interested please contact the school to help set this up!